From Heartbreak To PraiseBreak

This is one of the messages you should read from the Veteran Gospel Minister Nathaniel Bassey.
The Pastor And a well known Motivational Speaker took his instagram page to share how God turned a Heartbreak To PraiseBreak For Him And How He Could Possibly do the same for you no matter what you are going through right now!

Read Below And Be Bless
Nathaniel Bassey "I have shared the story of one of the toughest times I experienced. However, one which led to meeting my wonderful wife. I hope these tips help you if you are in a similar situation. A Heartbreak can become one of the most powerful forces of change in your life.
I got a call from my ex saying “This Thing is over.” Now this was tough. Especially coming from someone I thought could worship the very ground I walk on. At least so I thought. I never felt a pain that sore in my whole life. I mean, I’ve lost some loved ones, but this pain was in a class of its own. All efforts to get her to talk failed. So I prayed, and was convinced I had to move on.
So I went through the following process.
1. I made sure I experienced healing in GOD’s presence. You see, many times people don’t get healed before they jump into another relationship. I made up my mind not to use someone as my temporal pain reliever. So I spent time Worshipping, and just shedding the tears before my Father in heaven. Then I was led to listen to some sermons which spoke to my situation. This process led to the next.
2. The more I spent time with God, The easier it was to FORGIVE! People! You’ve got to FOOOOORRRRGIVE. This isn’t just for your “heartbreaker.” It’s more for YOU! You will definitely hurt someone if you jump into another relationship without experiencing and giving forgiveness.
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3. Get lost in GOD. In fellowship and His Service. Make the Holy Spirit your lover, friend and companion. Let Him shed His love abroad in your heart. Serve God. Get busy for God that you can’t even remember anything RELATIONSHIP (with the opposite sex ), of course until God says it’s time.
4. Then as you begin to sense God stirring your heart in the direction of a relationship, do an objective appraisal of your life. I said to my self, “Nath? Sentiments apart, the way your life was, would you marry YOU? It’s very easy to get upset and bitter when such happens, but we never really sit down to ask ourselves why? I began to see areas of my life that needed upgrades, spiritual, physical, personal development, ministry, character and overall vision as a young man."
Read Part Two Here