The Bible contains 66 books written by 40 authors and yet it is one integrated message from God written over a period of approx 1500 years.
Check out The Bible Project for help in understanding each book before you read a specific book.
The New Testament
The Four Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John record the life of Jesus would have been written within 30 yrs of his life on earth. John is a good first book to start reading.
Acts is the story of the first-century church after Jesus.
The New Testament contains teaching letters (books) written to churches and individuals. The Apostle Paul is the primary author of these books. However, the book by James is a good book to read after reading a Gospel story.
Revelation the last book in the New Testament and is very hard to understand. It was written by the Apostle John approx 90AD. An understanding of the Old Testament will help your understanding of this difficult book.
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