Download Mp3 He’ll Come Through By Debby O

Seasoned gospel music minister DEBBY O drops a miracle song titled “HE`LL COME THROUGH”
There comes a time in everyman’s life, When you are faced with the challenges of life…
Yours might be financial, marital, health challenge, childlessness, unemployment delay in marriage, lack of admission into school, and so on and so forth, Now hopelessness starts to set in, you want to throw in the towel
I have this message for you ; just hold on a little longer; no matter the circumstances hang in a little longer,
For we have an advocate who is completely familiar with what we go through, For He sees, knows and feels whatever challenge we might be going through, or that might come our ways.
For he was hundred percent (100%) man and God! So he will not leave us comfortless, unattended to, He will make away and He will surely come through for you, Even this year, he will come through for us, That situations will surely end in praise
I see testimonies Over that circumstances!
Download,Listen,Share And Be Blessed.
He'll Come Through Lyrics By Debby O
He’ll come through
(Debby O.)
Thank you Jesus
For you are my unfailing God
You have never failed me before
And you won’t not
No you won’t (yeah)
At the Stand point where,
nothing ever seems to make sense…
That’s where I am
Right here, Right now
Things are fallen apart
like a flash
How do I pick it up again?
I have no clue;
So I cry
I cry.
One thing I know God
You will surely make away for me
One thing I know God
You will come through for me (2×)
Life might seems so tough
That we might find it hard to breath…
Things might seems so rough that we can’t figure what to do…
Life might seems so cruel that we don’t deserve what we get
Speak the word of life
Into your situations
And everything will change
I know God
He will surely make away for you
One thing I know God
He will come through for you (2×)
It doesn’t matter what comes my way
It doesn’t matter what the devil do
It doesn’t matter the raging storm
He’ll come through for me (repeat)
It doesn’t matter how dark is the night
It doesn’t matter how fierce is the battle
It doesn’t matter how long it takes
He’ll come through for me (repeat)
Yaágbó yaájù okùrin ogun
(The Great man of ages, the professional warrior).
Ògbeni níjà térù n b’oníjà (The Battle backup that fights in such a way that the owner of the battle gets scared.)
Òrán omo nísé fàyàtí
(The one that sends a child on errand and still follows him with so much confidence)
Jìgbin jìgbìn a wúwo máseé gbé
(Very Mighty & uncarriable)
Alápá kábi káre
(His hand is powerful over evil & good)
Ógbeni níjà térù nba everybody
(The defender that is feared by everybody)
What else can I say
You are a kingi kingi
You are my lord
My kingi kingi oo
When my enemies compass me round about
Maa so fún won pé
Moní Jehovah kan
(I will tell I have one Jehovah)
All dependable
All reliable
Yes you are God; He’ll come through for you oooo.
(chant written by chroma)
Though the vision may tarry,
You got to wait for it
Wait for it
For He will come through for you yeah
They that wait upon the Lord
Shall renew their strength
I know He will come through for me yea
Wipe your tears
Cry no more
Don’t give up
Don’t give in (yea)
I know if He did it before
He will do it against
Same God back then (ahaaa)
Same God right now
I know, yes I know he will come through for you