Pastor Nathaniel Bassey took his instagram page to share another word of advice and message to all Gospel Ministers
Read Below,
This morning, this thought flooded my heart. “No stage or platform in this entire world is as important, beautiful and precious as the platform of your secret place, where you just minister unto the Lord, ALONE.
As you make this a lifestyle, one thing I have found is that you become so passionate about this one thing and place and nothing else.
It’s almost as if, His presence purifies your motive and your entire life. You get to a place where you couldn’t be bothered even if you had no external platforms to express your worship to Him. Because you have this fiery love story going on between you two.
It is normally at this point that platforms open up every where. And when this happens, and it’s time to share publicly what’s been transpiring in your secret place, you can then walk on those platforms without any sense of pressure or drive to PERFORM.
So if you are still lobbying for places and platforms to minister, then there is a very high chance that you have not found this place.
Please find it !
It’s everything !” - Nathaniel Bassey
Read Also:Things to Know About Dreams and Visions