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A pure heart

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.
— Psalm 51:10 (AMPC)

God’s Word says that His eyes are always roaming around the earth, looking for someone whose heart is pure before Him (see 2 Chronicles 16:9). A pure heart is much more important to the Lord than a perfect record of good works (see Matthew 5:8).

Although it’s not possible to reach perfection in all our behavior, it is totally possible to have a perfect heart toward God! A person with a perfect heart is someone who deeply desires to please God in everything they do, and is always open to the Holy Spirit’s leading to grow and change.

Read Also: The power of forgiveness

Don’t live in fear that you haven’t done enough, or that God is mad at you, or that the door to His presence is closed to you. Ask Him to help you develop a pure heart as you trust and believe that the work Jesus did on your behalf was enough. He loves you more than you know, and He wants to be there for you.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You that I don’t have to have perfect behavior to have a perfect heart toward You. Please help me cultivate a pure heart—I want to grow closer to You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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