Download Full Album Your Kingdom Come By Tosin Oyelakin
The groundbreaking project “Your Kingdom Come” by Tosin Oyelakin has been aptly titled and released for such a time as this.
Speaking about the album, Tosin says, “The world has never needed the Kingdom of God to come like we do right now. And now is the time for those who proclaim the name of the LORD to take their stand, push back the darkness and make it a fact that the kingdoms of this world is become the kingdom of our LORD and of His Christ, and He reigns forever.”
The album is made of 12 amazing tracks and is now available to purchase or stream on all digital download sites.
Download,Listen,Share And Be Blessed.
TRACKLIST: Tosin Oyelakin – Your Kingdom Come
We Will
Alpha And Omega
You Love Me
Marching Forward
The Lord’s Prayer
I’ve Got Jesus
Love Is (H&H Remix) Feat. Deacon Judah
Holy Spirit
Christ Is Risen
E Lu Agogo (Jingle Bells)
Twitter: @TosinOyelakin
Instagram: @TosinOyelakinOfficial
Facebook Page: @TosinOyelakinOfficial
YouTube/VEVO: Tosin Oyelakin
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